Thursday, November 6, 2014

#graceeveryday 2014 week 44 & November goals

I'm just going to continue to say week after week how little time is left this year.  Last week was week 44, which means less than 8 weeks left in this calendar year.  Holy balls!  I have a lot to do.

I'm combining today's post into 2, so don't forget to read to the end to find my November goals.

Day 303: Dentist day!  She rocked her dentist appointment!  And the dentist was very impressed that there was no plaque on her teeth.  I feel like she looks like such a big girl in this photo.  My baby is getting so big!

Day 304: Happy Halloween!  Our little Belle had a blast trick-or-treating.  But I think she enjoyed handing out the candy more.  She had quite the conversations with some other little princesses.

Day 305: Red cup day!  It signifies the start of the holiday season for me.

Day 306: We made spiced cider and Little A was enjoying hers out of a mug.  Like a big girl drinking her coffee.

Day 307: Sushi Monday!  She loves rice so she'll eat a bit of our sushi, then have a little bowl of rice.

Day 308: We got our wine club shipment Tuesday evening!  Love opening that case to see those beautiful bottles waiting for us. :)

Day 309: One of my favorite nights of the year!  I love Brad and Carrie and I love them even more together hosting.  Add in wine and a bit of blogging and it's a perfect end to the day.  And it gets me out of sled building for the evening.  #winning!

This was an interesting week.  Little A, coffee and a decent amount of wine.  I guess you could say that kind of describes my life in a nutshell.

Ok, onto my November goals!

I haven't set monthly goals mainly because I suck at failing (don't we all) and if I don't set goals then I can't fail them right? That is like the worst strategy ever, I know.  I do have my 2014 goals I've been working on, but never broke them out into monthly or quarterly goals.  So for November I am going to set some goals because we have a TON going on and I have a lot I need to get done.

So here we go...

1) Schedule the redesign of my blog.  I know, exciting right?!  I'm actually going to do it!  After my mini meltdown last month, I have thrown myself fully back into this space.  I have had more ideas and have loved writing over the last few weeks.  I know I don't want to quit this thing, so I'm going to get the redesign and transfer to WP going.  I'm sure it will take some time, but at least it will be on the books.

2) Get gifts bought for 75% of our family.  I have a feeling we'll be doing some homemade gifts this year again (love homemade gifts!), but for the things I need to purchase I'm hoping to get out and get things checked off my list.

3) Prepare for my first essential oils class.  I'm hosting my first EO class in early December!  I'm super excited, but have a lot to do to get prepared.  I'm looking forward to sharing with some friends and family the benefits of essential oils.

4) Date night with Huebie.  We have 2 Seahawks games to go to this month, but I want us to have an actual date night; dinner and drinks, maybe a show.  Something where we can connect besides screaming our faces off in the loudest stadium in the world.  :)

5) Finish selling off unwanted items.  We've been slowly de-cluttering our home and selling some things on Craigslist and Offer Up.  My goal is to get rid of a majority of the unwanted items we have by selling them, and everything else will be getting donated.

We don't have a lot of time this month, but I'm really hoping we can stay on track and get stuff done.

Question of the day: Do you have any goals for November?

Have a great Thursday friends!


  1. Oh girl! Once you get everything settled, you will LOVE WP. I can't wait to see what's in store!

    I've said it probably 100 times before, but Little A looks like a teeny tiny 16 year old.

    I hope to have all of our Christmas gifts purchased this month, too.

  2. Fun fun! I'm glad you decided to sell essential oils. You seem to love them and that's always a great thing when you are going to share something great with family. Too funny that you said "holy balls" hahaha! Little A is so big now! Can't believe she's 3. You always have great goals. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with for your design. Oh the red wine. I've been wanting some lately as you know! :)

  3. She is so cute! I wish I could look that happy at the dentist :) I definitely want to get a good start on gifts this year- I always have good intentions to make things, but end up running out of time. I can't wait to hear how your switch to WP goes, I've always wondered about that!

  4. I cant wait to see what design you pick for your blog!!! That's such a fun thing to do!! I seriously hope my future child/children like sushi because I don't know what I'll do lol! Suppose I could just eat it without them LOL! I'm sure you're going to rock all these goals!!

  5. Date nights... what are those?!?! ;) I love your new profile pic that you've posted. Beautiful!!! :)

  6. Kids, wine and coffee...yes to that. And I loooove your goals. Especially your first one. Everytime I have a lull in my blog life, I come back refreshed and excited. I'm glad you're at the place now, and I can't wait to see your redesign! I've been thinking about having a new one done for the new year. And I need to check out Offer Up, cause I have a lot I want to sell too.

  7. Man, I missed the CMA's! Oh actually I couldn't have watched them anyway since we don't have TV :-p I literally remembered that as I typed that. Yay for date nights! I hope y'all get a chance to get away and be alone. You deserve it! Good job on de-cluttering. I used OfferUp a couple months ago and really liked it!
