Thursday, March 28, 2013

Baby Weight Be Gone!

So I'm going to be honest; I didn't have a problem losing the baby weight I put on.  I know a lot of women would say "Oh just shut up Tiffany."  But I exercised throughout my pregnancy and started bootcamp back up the minute the doctor gave me the go ahead.  I worked hard.  I've always been very body conscious and I wanted to get my old body back as quickly as possible.  I also didn't eat as much as I should have which I'm sure contributed to my rapid weight loss.  Once I realized I could eat more and keep the weight off (thank you nursing!) I did. 

So needless to say when I stopped nursing and continued to eat the same I was amazed at how fast I put on 10 pounds!  Duh should have been my first thought when the number on the scale continued to creep higher and higher until bam! 10 pounds in a month.  I was so proud of myself when I was down below my pre-baby weight post baby, so to see the scale creep back up was a huge let down.  So I'm back to working on getting that extra weight off and let me tell ya, it sure as heck isn't as easy this tim!  They weren't kidding when they said after a baby your body changes and it's harder to lose weight.  Hell yeah it is!

On the days I work the last thing I want to do is head to the gym right after work.  I'd much rather spend the few hours I have with my sweet baby girl before she goes to sleep.  So more and more I'm finding myself doing bodweight workouts at home.  It's super easy to do (well, ok not easy, but you don't need any equipment) and I can knock one out in 20 minutes and still feel like I got a good workout in.

Here is one of my favorites to do after baby A goes to bed:

Warm Up:
- Squat to Stand: Hook your hands under your toes and squat down as far as you can, keeping your back straight and your arms inside your knees.  One of the best warm up stretches you can do.
- Static lunges
- Spiderman lunges: Get ino the plank position and bring one foot up to the outside of your hand, then reach up to the ceiling, but make sure you don't over-rotate your back.
- High knees
- Seal claps: Like a jumping jack but arms go out to your sides instead of over your head.
- Wide out drops: Jump into a wide squat position then back up to standing, feet together.

Workout (do as quickly as you can, then rest for a minute and repeat 2-3 times):
- 10 pushups
- 15 squats
- 20 alternating lunges (10 per leg)
- 50 jumping jacks
- 10 burpees
- 20 mountain climbers (10 per leg)
- 7 pushups
- 15 squat jumps
- 10 sprinter sit ups (5 per side) (Bring your opposite arm and opposite leg into the sit up position, like you're sprinting in a race)
- 30 second plank hold

I hope everyone can make time to do a quick workout in the evenings.  I know sometimes I'd rather sit on my butt and watch TV but then I remember that I never regret getting my sweat on and I hope you don't either.


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