Monday, March 11, 2013

Life loves the liver of it.

Probably one of my favorite quotes of all time.  Not because it has a huge meaning to me, but really because it makes me think of liver. 

But I digress.  Baby A has had so many adventures lately I thought it was about time I post about her.  Of course Winter is probably one of the Huebner Family's favorite seasons.  We are snow people.  So of course Baby A is our little snowbaby.  We have had so many fun adventures in the wild this Winter that she has finally come to love all things cold.  We have been the liver's of life this season!

We started the season off with Baby A's first official sledding trip up to Hyak.  She had her new snowsuit on, new boots, hat, she was ready.  Needless to say it did not turn out as well as we'd planned.  Baby A didn't even want to atttempt to walk on the snow let alone touch it with her little gloved hand.  But we sat her on the sled and pulled her around the snowshoeing area, and she actually went down a pretty big hill with Huebie.  Quick trip, but a good introduction to the fine art of Molson Runner Sledding.

We then headed to Chelan for a week in January with the Pierce Family.  Baby A's unsureness of snow changed here.  We started off the week sledding down the little hills by our condo.  She kept asking for more (or "mo") once we'd get to the bottom.  We then graduated to the ski area where the snow was much deeper and did some adult sledding.  Grandma and Grandpa Huebner were there so they pulled Baby A around on the cross country ski track quite a bit.  She loved it!
By the time we were ready to head home at the end of the week was picking up snow, barehanded, and rubbing it between her hands going "brrrrr."  Stark contrast from the babe who didn't even want to stand on the snow in December. 

February is Bone Bowl month.  Every year Huebie's family hosts a sledding trip, called Bone Bowl, over President's Day weekend at their cabin outside Oroville.  We were a bit nervous to take Baby A this year since the cabin is not super insulated and we worried about her waking everyone up.  But we made the 5.5 hour trip across the mountains and up to Canada (well, almost Canada, but might as well be).  Grandpa built baby her own custom sled that she could sit on and hold onto, which she loved!  She came up with the adults a few times, but it was pretty cold at the top of Bone Mountain so we spent a lot of time inside playing and pulling her around the snowy roads by the cabin.  All in all a great weekend with family. 

Just a fun note not related to Winter at all but Baby A has really been into being naked lately.  She loves running to the bathroom for bedtime bath yelling "nakie baby!"  It is too cute not to mention!  I see potty training in our near future. 

Baby A, A Touch of Grace
 Nakie baby!
Baby A, A Touch of Grace
 Sledding like a big kid!
Baby A, A Touch of Grace
   Snowshoeing with Dada at Bone Bowl.
Baby A, A Touch of Grace
Thank you Papa for my new sled!

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