Tuesday, April 30, 2013

24 Day Challenge

We're going to Vegas!  Thank you to Huebie for booking us our first trip without baby A.  Yes of course I'm scared to leave her, but it's only 2 nights and I'm sure she's going to have a blast with Grandma and Grandpa.

In preparation for Vegas, and the summer in general, we're doing the Advocare 24 Day Challenge.  A friend of ours did this a few months back and got awesome results. 

There are 2 phases to the program:

Phase 1: Cleanse Phase- This phase is 10 days and helps remove waste, preparing your body for optimal nutrient absorption.

Phase 2: Max Phase- During days 11-24 you give your body the best tools (nutrition) to achieve your weight-management goals. 

Honestly, it's all about first, getting rid of all the toxins in your body that hinder proper digestion and nutriend absorption, and then putting in only whole, nutrient rich foods that will strengthen your metabolism. 

I've always been a moderate healthy eater, but I like my sweets and white bread so having to remove those things is always a challenge for me.  Huebie is a good support system; he definitely has more will power than I do.

Yesterday was day 1 of the challenge and let me tell ya, it was a rough day.  No protein, only fruit and veggies (and green tea with lemon), along with a fiber drink and amino acid supplement drink.

By lunch I was shaking.  I felt super off and I think my body was in shock due to the lack of food, and probably carbs to be honest.  Oh and no coffee!  Do you know how hard it is to not drink coffee when you work for Starbucks!  It is nearly impossible, especially with those lovely aromas lingering around every corner.  Dang you 24 Day Challenge and your no coffee rules!

Dinner was less than exciting.  Asparagus, green beans and blackberries.  Needless to say when I crawled into bed I was hungry and a bit moody.  I now see why they recommend you don't work out on the first day.

But today is a new day.  And I'm feeling much better, thank the lord!  Today we get protein, healthy fats (woohoo!) and complex carbs (double woohoo!!).  I think once you get through the first 3 days things get easier, at least that's what I've read.  I figure it's only 24 days and I should be able to do this for 24 days if I want to lose weight, have better skin, and all around better health.

I'll keep posting more about my journey (maybe even some before and after pics) over the next few weeks. 

If you'd like to read more about the Advocare 24 Day Challenge you can go to their website to learn all about the recommended food, supplements, exercise, etc: http://www.advocare.com/24daychallenge/default.aspx.

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