Thursday, May 9, 2013

10 down, 14 to go! 24 Day Challenge

We're 10 days (well, today is day 11) into our 24 day challenge!  But let me tell you, it has not been easy.  I'm down about 6 lbs, but I've been down about 6 lbs since day 3.  So needless to say I'm a little discouraged.  It doesn't help that we had a BBQ over the weekend and although I didn't partake in the drinking and unhealthy food, it was so hard not to!  I really need to buckle down now and try to stick as closely to the meal plan as I can.  Oh, and yesterday was our anniversary, so Kellen surprised me with sushi Tuesday night, which I know is not on the meal plan.  Needless to say I need to get back on the horse and that started yesterday.

Today starts the Max, or Burn, Phase of the challenge.  There is a slight change in meal time nutrition and supplements.  During this phase your goals are to continue to eat the correct ratios of protein, carbs and healthy fat, which will continue to increase your metabolism.  Yay...more chicken, broccoli and green beans (that's sarcasm for those that don't know me that well). 

Not sure if I mentioned it in my previous post about the challenge, but you have to drink a gallon of water a day.  A GALLON OF WATER!  During the first, oh...3 or 4 days that was actually easier than I thought it would be, but starting on like day 5 or 6 it has become a challenge.  It is like force feeding a baby to get me to drink that much water right now.  I've always been good at the water intake, but a, that is tough. 

And of course no processed foods (I think that's a given) and no skipping meals (eating less than the required amount is actually just as bad for you as over-eating).  At first I thought "No skipping meals?  I'm starving, of course I'm not going to skip a meal!"  But the weekends are hard for me; we get busy and are usually on the go so remembering to eat, or pack food to eat, is harder than I thought.  I found myself cramming a few meals into the end of the day, which I'm not sure was the best idea, but I wanted to try to stay compliant. 

So today begins the last 14 days of this 24 day challenge.  I hope that at the end of this I've lost a bit of weight, feel healthy and am able to eat the portion sizes that we are meant to eat.  And that I'm able to maintain where I end up.  We'll see what the next 14 days have in store!

To find out more information about the Advocare 24 day challenge, go to their website Here.

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