Thursday, May 16, 2013

17 down, 7 to go! 24 Day Challenge

We are in the home stretch of the 24 day challenge!  Thank the lord!  It has been a looooong 17 days.  My weight is about the same, but I do think my body has continued to change, for the better. 

We haven't been the most compliant with our eating, but May is a big month.  Our anniversary was the 8th and then Mother's Day, so it's hard to keep with the program when all you want to do is drink wine and go to brunch.  I will say though, us not being compliant isn't going out and binge eating or eating a bunch of junk.  We had sushi one night, then went to dim sum the other day for lunch.  When we went out for Mother's Day I was very good and had halibut and veggies at the Crab Pot.  So I really haven't been that bad. 

But now it's time to kick it into high gear.  1 week until Vegas!  I'm getting with the program 100% and kicking my workouts into overdrive.  Adding some more cardio to burn additional fat and making sure to do some sort of work out each day until we leave will hopefully get me to my goal.

Here's to hoping the next week flies by! 

I wasn't able to get to the gym yesterday and it was raining so no run with baby A, so I did a body weight workout after she went to bed.  Enjoy!

- 150 jumping jacks
- 50 crunches
- 20 tricep dips
- 15 squats
- 20 lunges (per leg)
- 70 Russian twists
- 20 standing calf raises
- 10 push-ups
- 30 second plank
- 10 jumping lunges
- 60 jumping jacks
- 60 leg up crunches
- 20 sit-ups
- 15 tricep dips
- 20 squats
- 10 side lunges (per side)
- 15 leg lifts
- 50 bicycles
- 15 push-ups
- 40 Russian twists

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