Wednesday, May 22, 2013

It's Over! 24 Day Challenge

Today was the last day of our 24 Day Challenge!  Hallelujah!  It has been a looooong 24 days let me tell ya.  But I'm glad I stuck with it and I'm happy with the end result.  Could I have been more compliant?  Sure.  But like I said before, compliant eating really isn't my thing.  Never has been.

The final stats:
* Pounds lost: 9.2
* BMI: From 19% to 17%
* Love handles shrunk
* No more back fat rolls

I can't believe I'm posting these, but here are my before and after pics.

Day 24
Day 1

Here are a few things I learned over these last few weeks:

1. Cutting out dairy decreases bloat.  I noticed this right away.  Working for the big BUX, I tend to drink at least 1 latte every day.  I've noticed that since I cut that out my pants don't get tight after I drink my morning java.

2. Carbs give you gas.  And by carbs I mean mostly white bread, the not so good kind of carbs.  Yes, this was super depressing for me to discover becuase I love me some french bread and Olive Garden breadsticks.  When I did have the option to eat carbs, or when we had a cheat meal, it made me feel a bit bloated and gassy (just being honest here people).  Eating whole grains isn't as bad, but do it in moderation.

3. Fiber is awesome!  We all could use more fiber in our diets I'm sure.  It really does get things moving and helps clean out your digestive tract.  I know, lots of talk about gas, digestion, etc.  But it is amazing how much you really notice the change once you cut certain foods out.

4. Veggies, protein and good fats keep you full longer.  I kow, you're thinking "duh Tiffany, everyone knows this."  But you don't really think about it until you cut out all those bad carbs and other processed foods.  The first few days I thought I was going to starve.  I was always hungry.  The portions were much smaller than what I was used to.  But once I got my stomach in check I noticed that I was able to stay full longer on less food.  It's all about eating the right foods.  Empty carbs may make you full faster, but they don't keep you full as long.

5. I can stick with a healthy eating plan!  Yeah I complained most days, but I still did it.  And I really do feel great.  Like I said before, you don't notice how bad you felt before until you clean out your system and start putting the right foods in.   

Do I think this way if eating is sustainable for me?  Not 100%, but I think it's all about mindset and knowing that if you do have a cheat meal or cheat day, you need to get back on the wagon the next.  If you're looking to give your system a good restart or get ready for bathing suit weather I think it's a great option.

For more information on the Advocare 24 Day Challenge click Here.

Vegas here we come!  Enjoy the long weekend everyone!

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