Monday, June 24, 2013

How to: Pack kids clothes for a trip

Happy Monday everyone!  I hope you had a fabulous weekend and there was some sunshine to be had in your area.  It was beautiful here in the PNW on Saturday so we were able to get out and head to the beach and park for a bit. 

We're heading out of town later this week to meet Huebie in Phoenix.  I'm so looking forward to the hot, sunny weather.  Although I hear it's going to be about 115 degrees, yikes!  Did I mention this will be my first time flying with baby A by myself?!  Yes, I'm a bit nervous.  Ok, let's be honest here.  I'm terrified, and possibly freaking out a little bit already.  The girl cannot sit still to save her life, so I'm praying I have enough planned to keep her busy for the 3 hour flight.  Wish me luck!

Huebie gets free checked baggage on his trips, so we went ahead and packed all our clothes in his luggage so baby A and I don't have to carry a suitcase along with our other bags (of toilettries, games, books, coloring projects, computer, tablet, portable DVD player; the list goes on and on of crap things I'm sure I'm going to stash in the bag to keep her entertained). 
But I digress.  In order to save space and fit everything into 1 suitcase, and to be prepared for the week, I decided to put all her clothes into gallon sized bags.  Have y'all ever heard of doing this? 

I will say, it's pretty freaking awesome.  I don't have to rummage through all her stuff to find outfits, and every day is planned out.  This really makes traveling with children a cinch!  The Ziplocs are like mini space-saver bags!  

I just put her outfit for the day, including hair accessories, socks, etc., into a Ziploc bag, suction the air out and voila!  It's flat and barely takes up any space in the suitcase! 
Let's be honest though, her clothes are tiny (she only wears 18 months at this point) but I'm always amazed at how much we need.  I always want to be prepared for the unexpected, so I also packed one bag with 2 extra outfits in case she doesn't want to wear what I picked out for that day, or if we have a leaky diaper or messy meal.
Let's just take a moment to admire this outfit.  I just realized I should have taken a better picture of the jean skirt, because it is freaking adorable.  Red with white polka dots.  How cute is that?!  I can't wait to get this outfit on her.  The girl is far better dressed than I am.
Do you have a fool proof packing technique you use for trips with the kids? 
Just one more plea for luck on this plane ride.  I'm going to need it!


  1. I will try this on our next vaca. Thanks Sweetie.

    1. You totally should! I was amazed by how little space her clothes took up now. Plus, it is so easy just to pull that day's outfit out! Love it!
      Thanks for stopping by hun!
      xoxo ~Tiffany
