Tuesday, June 11, 2013

So I'm a month late on this...whatever: Anniversary Hike

So our anniversary was...oh, a month ago, and yes, I'm just now getting around to blogging about this.  But better late than never right?!
My mom was kind enough to watch baby A on our anniversary so we could go out.  Since we were on the 24 Day Challenge, that limited where we could go out to eat.  But we love being outdoors so we decided to go on a hike!  We love hikes and try to go at least once a week in the Summer.  There is no better place to hike than the PNW.  There are amazing trails up and down the Cascades, and probably 50+ within a 30 minute drive of us. 

Hikes are a great way to get some exercise in.  I'd chose a 2 hour hike over an hour on a treadmill or stair climber.  Every time.

We chose a little unknown trail called Cedar Butte, mainly because it wasn't too long and it was close.
Stats: 4 miles roundtrip from trailhead.
Elevation Gain: 900 feet
This is trail is really pretty awesome because no one knows about it so you aren't fighting for trail space like you are on the more populated hikes in the area.

  This was how we started the hike. I love the falls created from the mountain run off!

I love this man!

Beautiful view of Rattlesnake Lake on the way down. 
 Just taking in the sights.

If you live in the Seattle area and you want to know more about hikes around Puget Sound send me an email or comment below.  I may turn our weekly hikes into a series!  


  1. Hi Tiffany! Sheaffer here from Pinterest Told Me To. I tried to reply to your e-mail, but your blogger settings are set to "no reply". If you want to fix it, go to the Hi Sugarplum blog and search "no reply" in her search bar and it will tell you how to fix your settings. You will LOVE LOVE LOVE the dress!!! Thanks so much for reading and commenting!
    Sheaffer :)

    1. Oh man! Thanks Sheaffer! I thought I'd fixed that. I followed Cassie's instructions and I think I've finally fixed it. Thanks for letting me know. :)
