Monday, July 8, 2013

Weekend Rewind

Happy Monday everyone!  I hope you were able to enjoy the extended weekend (if you had one) and took advantage of the amazing July weather! 

We didn't do much for the Fourth of July.  Did some much needed work around the house and yard.  And we didn't have to go anywhere to see the fireworks.  Our neighborhood puts on quite a show.  Thank you neighbors!

Huebie blew up the air mattress in the back of the truck and made us a little bed to chill in and watch the big show.  Baby A didn't make it too long before she was ready for bed, so Huebie and I got some nice time together. 

I made a delicious red, white and blueberry trifle for the Fourth that I mentioned in my Fourth of July post HERE. I don't have a trifle dish, but this bowl worked just fine.

We headed into the city on Friday for some shopping.  This was baby A's first time in one of those little tykes cars.  She loved it!  Could only go backward, but still, loved it!  And I found out they have a Jonathan Adler store here now!  I was in heaven let me tell you.  If you don't know about Jonathan Adler's designs, click HERE to browse his website.

We spent a lot of time on the water this past week.  Baby A got to drive the boat for the first time.  She's amazing at turning left.  I see a future NASCAR driver in the making.  Ha!

Love this girl!

More lake time at my parents lake house.  She is a little fish!  Dada loves the water too.  Mama?  Not so much.  I don't really like public pools (they gross me out a little, but I'll do it if I have to) and I have an unsubstantiated fear of fish so lakes can be a bit scary for me.  I know, I know, a fear of fish is a bit silly, but a few years back a friend of ours got bit (ok, nipped) by 2 fish in this lake and it scared the bejesus out of me!  No, there hasn't been another fish attack since, but still.  You can see why I would be a bit reluctant to get in the water after that.  I need a good drink or 2 before I'll get in to wakeboard.  I'm sitting in the boat taking these pics of her. 

Hope y'all are able to get back in the swing of things this week!  I know I'm struggling this morning.

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