Thursday, June 27, 2013

At Home Workouts: A Compilation

Let's discuss fitness today shall we?

It is SO HARD for me to justify heading to the gym in the Summer.  We only get a few months of warm weather and sunshine here in Seattle, so I hate spending it indoors.  I'd much rather be spending time out on the boat, or going on walks to the park with the family.  The last thing I want to do is be inside at a gym.  But then I remember the dreaded bikini, and I drag my booty down to the gym, or outside for a run, so I can wear said bikini and be proud of my hard work.

I posted an at home workout I like to do often HERE, and a "how to" on creating your own outdoor gym HERE, but thought I would compile for you a few of my favorite body weight circuit workouts, for those days that you know you need to put in some effort, but just don't want to take the time to head to the gym. 

I love circuit training!  I'd say I do a circuit 2-3 times a week, incorporating weights when I'm at the gym.  They torch calories much quicker than just running.  And I never get bored with circuit training.  You can get a kick butt workout using just your body weight. 

Here are a few of my faves (all from Pinterest of course, what did we do before Pinterest?!).


Don't forget how important strength training is.  I think sometimes women get stuck thinking they need to do more and more cardio to burn calories.  But strength training actually burns way more calories than running, and continues to burn calories even after you're done working out. 

Do any any of you have a goal body?  This picture of Jessica Biel......
This is my goal body.  This to me is the perfect combination of femininity and strength.  Yeah it may be unrealistic for me to think I can look like this, but that doesn't mean I'm going to quit trying!  I think it's important to have goals to work towards.  Even if it's the body you're in, and you're happy with where you're at, take a picture so you're motivated to continue to work hard to maintain that. 
And don't forget to drink water!  If you're training you should be drinking AT LEAST half your body weight in water every day, if not more.  Shoot, even if you aren't training you should probably be drinking that much water every day. 
Do you have a favorite Summertime workout?  How do you get motivated to stick with it when it's so nice outside?


  1. Hey there! I'm stoppin' by from the Facebook blog hop and just wanted to let you know I liked your page! I hope you'll get a chance to visit me :o) You can find me here:


    Blog URL

    Have a great Thursday!


    1. Thanks so much for stopping by! I found you on facebook! Your little girl is adorable!

      Have a great night!
