Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Roasted Brussel Sprouts

I love brussel sprouts.  Yes, you heard that correctly.  My name is Tiffany and I love brussel sprouts.  But brussel sprouts seem to have a bad reputation.  Just the name makes people gag.  I too am a former child skeptic of the vegetable.  I swear our mother's only knew one way to cook them and it was not the good way.  But trust me, this is a good way.  These brussel sprouts are not the soft, mushy brussel sprouts of days past.  They have flavor, they have texture, they have all the things that brussel sprouts should be....and more.  I bring you......

Roasted Brussel Sprouts

What you'll need:
* Cast iron skillet
* A stove and a hot oven

* 3-4 cups brussel sprouts (or however many you want to make)
* 1/4ish cup EVOO (more or less depending on amount of brussel sprouts)
* 1/4 tsp salt
* 1/8 tsp pepper
* Optional: Parmasean cheese

* Turn on oven to broil
* Warm cast iron skillet on stove on medium high heat
* Cut brussel sprouts in half lengthwise
* In medium bowl, coat brussel sprouts in EVOO
* Add salt and pepper and stir
* Add the brussel sprouts to the skillet
* Turn 1 time, almost immediately, so just the outsides brown
* Put cast iron skillet in the oven for 20 minutes

You just coat, blacken and bake.  That's it!

I swear these are so tasty.  Just add a little parmasean cheese and you're set!  These are part of our weekly menu at our house, and I'm just gonna say they should be part of yours as well.  They go great with a good steak.



  1. I love brussels sprouts too! So tasty!

    I'll have to try this out. Thanks!

    1. Me too! They really are tasty, and this recipe is my fave!
      Thanks for the comment Jennifer!

  2. I have so been wanting to roast brussel sprouts. I love them and think my hubby will too if I roast them. He loves roasted broccoli!
