Wednesday, July 3, 2013

2nd Birthday Party Planning

I know, I know.  I just blogged about baby A being 20 months old (you can read that post HERE) and already I'm onto thinking about her 2nd birthday.  But my inner OCD comes out when it's time to plan a party and I can't stop thinking about it.  I always get way too many ideas and have a hard time narrowing it down, so really it's good that I start planning early.

I did the same thing last year.  I thought for months about what I wanted the theme to be for her birthday.  I settled on Vintage shabby chic, which you can read about HERE, and I was really happy with how it turned out for my first themed party.  I love the idea of having a theme for consistency throughout the party. It just brings everything together.

But let's just stop for a second about the party planning talk.  My baby is going to be 2!  Like.... 2 years old!  I have a toddler!  How the heck did this happen?!  I swear just last week she was learning to walk and saying her first words.  Time just needs to stop for about 2 years so I can enjoy this wonderful age.

Ok.  Back to party planning.  I'm on the vintage train again this year.  I'm just drawn to colors and decor that come along with all things vintage these days I guess. 

I really love this vintage school house theme.  I almost did this for baby A's first birthday last year.  It may be in the running again this year. :) 

And I think this vintage milk and cookies theme is absolutely adorable.
Do you see why I keep going back to the vintage themes?!  So stinking cute!
But, there are a few other ideas I'm tossing around.  Here are a few of my inspirational pins (thank you Pinterest!)
How cute is this little pink lemonade themed party?!  That lemonade stand is A-Dorable!

Baby A loves Elmo.  She's like Where's Waldo with that little guy.  She can pick him out anywhere!
I love how this party isn't over the top with Elmo; just subtle details.
And this ladybug theme fits baby A perfect.  We always call her our little bug.
Do you see why I have a hard time deciding?  There are so many cute ideas!  Which one do you like the best?  Do you do theme parties for your kids as well? 
I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable Fourth! 


  1. Seems like just yesterday we were at her first bday party. BTW, you really made that an amazing one!!! I'll be needing help when it's my turn one day :)

    Love the Pink Lemonade and Lady Bug themes :) You already have the mason jars for lemonade that you used last year.

    1. I know right Amy?! I can't wait to help plan a shower for you and help with your little one's birthdays!

  2. Hi! New reader here. The pink lemonade theme is adorable!

    1. I'm so glad you like the blog Ariane! Thanks for the follow. I really like the pink lemonade theme too! It's so girly!

  3. Awwwww - so sweet. I love the vintage theme, but maybe that's because I'm biased (we did vintage for my baby girl's 1st birthday last year). It was a Little Golden Books theme. The invitation even looked like a Little Golden Book.

    Her 2nd birthday is in less than 2 weeks and I haven't coordinated anything yet (I've been too busy making her gift).

    Whatever you choose to do, I'm sure it will be fabulous!

    1. We're on the same page Jennifer! There's just something about a vintage theme!
      Good luck planning your little girl's party!
      xoxo -Tiffany

  4. I like the pink lemonade theme. but knowing you, whatever you decide will be nothing short of amazing. can't believe our girls are already turning 2!

    1. I know me too Jess. It really is super cute. I can't believe they are going to be 2 either! Crazy how quick it's gone.
